The AFD92 is part of PushCorp's Passive Compliance series. This end effector can apply up to 215 lbf [956 N] in any orientation. Unlike the active series, this equipment relies on an external air pressure regulator to set the applied force. This pressure must change when a new orientation is programmed in order to maintain a constant force. For this reason, the AFD92 is most commonly used for robotic, material-removal applications with flat or prismatic parts.
The STC0612, SM0612, STC1015, and STC1515 are servo spindles optimized to mount to the AFD92. For belt sanding applications, our RBS372 would also be an excellent pairing. Additionally, the SWS100-3.7 or SWS100-7.2 can be added for weld shaving processes. Together, these products can automate a wide variety of robotic applications:
The AFD92 is the largest passive compliance device available. It features heavy duty linear bearings to handle applications with impact loading and interrupted cuts.