Technology Overview
PushCorp's robotic backstand equipment utilizes force-controlled linear compliance and servomotor technology. Consequently, our floor-mounted equipment provides a turn-key solution to part-in-hand, robotic, material-removal processes. With a gripping end effector, an industrial robot can pick up a part and position it on our floor-mounted belt sanders and finishing stands. This equipment features built-in compliance, which enables accurate and consistent force on the part. The Servomotor provides constant media speed under varying load conditions. Together, these two technologies enable beautiful surface finishes, which can be achieved with abrasive belts, wheels, or brushes. Bolt the equipment to the floor, connect compressed air and electric power, and you are ready to start producing consistent parts!
SBS81 Servo Belt Backstand
The SBS81 and SBS91 Servo Belt Backstands provide a solution for automating belt sanding operations. They feature dual shafts that allow multi-step sanding operations with different abrasive belt grits or even combining a belt operation on one side and an abrasive wheel on the other. Both units have the built-in ability to remotely adjust the force applied to the part, belt speed, and belt tracking during part processing, safely from outside the robot workcell.
The SBS81 and SBS91 are compatible with industry standard 132 inch belts up to 4 inches wide. They utilize adjustable air pressure to provide tension to the belts and have integral sensor outputs to detect belt breakage. A position sensor output from the force compliant carriage can be used to sense part position or wheel wear.
SFS81 Servo Finish Stand
The SFS81 and SFS91 Servo Finishing Backstands provide a solution for automating wheel sanding operations. Like the SBS81 and SBS91, it has dual shafts that allow multi-step sanding operations with different abrasive grits, but it omits the unnecessary belt tracking mechanism, thus reducing its cost. They also have the built-in ability to remotely adjust the force applied to the part or the belt speed, safely from outside the robot workcell.
The SFS81 and SFS91 are delivered with bare shafts that can be used with a wide variety of sanding, grinding, or polishing wheel media. A position sensor output from the force compliant carriage can be used to sense part position or wheel wear.
Belt Sanding

SBS82 Series
SBS82 Series Servo Belt Stand The PushCorp SBS82 Servo Belt Stand combines compliant force control with a high-torque 5.7 hp…
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SBS92 Series
SBS92 Series Servo Belt Stand The PushCorp SBS92 Servo Belt Stand combines compliant force control with a high-torque 16.5 hp…
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SFS92 Series
SFS92 Series Servo Finishing Stand The PushCorp SFS92 Servo Finishing Stand combines compliant force control with a high-torque 16.5 hp…
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SFS82 Series
SFS82 Series Servo Finishing Stand The PushCorp SFS82 Servo Finishing Stand combines compliant force control with a high-torque 5.7 hp…
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